Maneuvering energy politics in the “ideal coalition”. Political management of the “Strompreisbremse” in the black-yellow coalition

When a SMS reached the Minister of Economy and Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany, Philipp Rösler (FDP), on the morning of the 28th of January, he was hit by its content completely unprepared.

His cabinet colleague and Minister for the Environment, Peter Altmaier (CDU), announced a foray in the promotion of renewable energies. The press should find out about this two hours later. The discussion about the affordability of the promotion of renewable energies got out of hand, causing pressure to act. Altmaier strove for a price cap for the EEG iv surcharge, which was decisive for the promotion of renewable energies. The environment minister planned to make his plans public not some time in the following week, but on that very same day. Philipp Rösler could not exactly anticipate what would happen…


This case was written in cooperation with the Bertelsmann Stiftung. More Cases are available in german and english language on the Homepage of the project “Reformkompass” by the Bertelsmann Stiftung.

Zitationshinweis / Citation

Zitzler, Stephan (2013): Maneuvering energy politics in the “ideal coalition”. Political management of the “Strompreisbremse” in the black-yellow coalition. Published in:, Permanently available online:

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